Know your Business Financially

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FETRI Consulting

Consulting Purpose

The foundation of any successful small business is selling a product or service for a profit. However, that level of financial insight is not enough to make a business successful. There are many additional ways to make money if you have the financial knowledge to do so. By expanding your awareness of how money works in business, you can increase the odds by being successful.

Many SME’s give up because they presume that they do not break even in their businesses. However, this is more often than not due to the fact they did not understand their business because they either did not budget properly before they started or that they did not keep good records separate from their personal expenditure.

My inspiration is to train entrepreneurs to understand their business through good record keeping and make money through investments which will take them to financial freedom.

This does not eliminate the role of an Accountant but enables the entrepreneur to ask the relevant questions to the accountant because they understand the financials in their business.

The coaching will convert the business owner from running a business like a hobby to running the business as a springboard to a future of financial freedom.

About us

I am a seasoned finance professional with over 20 years experience in the insurance industry, much of which has been spent in senior leadership roles. I am a Certified Public Accountant with extensive expertise in financial management and financial planning as well as a deep background and passion in investments management acquired throughout my career.


Our vision is to empower entrepreneurs with financial knowledge to attain financial freedom.


Our mission is to empower entrepreneurs with financial knowledge to run their business with confidence through good record keeping and investments knowledge to achieve financial freedom.

Core Values

Meaning of Fetri

Debt Management

Everyone young or old will deal with debt at some point. Debt often begins to accumulate during college with credit-card debt, then accumulates with car loans and student loans. Mortgages, family expenses and medical bills may add more debt. Many times debt follows people into retirement. It’s important to take a close look at how your debt is affecting your life. If you have too much debt, it may be time to make a plan to get rid of it. Our role will be to help you have a good understanding on your debts and how you could manage them differently to gain financial independence and avoid being overwhelmed by debt.

Record Keeping

Keeping your financial records is the beginning of taking control of your finances. What you don’t measure you cannot manage, they say. Once you keep records of your income and monitor the flow of your money, then you begin to take ownership of your financial journey. We shall work closely with you to make simple records which you can follow and teach you how to interpret your records financially.

Savings & Investments

Every journey starts with one step. Every millionaire was made by one step but with a vision. Your vision will drive your destiny. Taking little steps, one by one to the right direction, long enough and you will achieve your intended savings. You will then invest the savings step by step and soon you will have your fortune. We shall empower you with knowledge on the available investments options for you and the right mix which will ensure that you get to your desired balanced portfolio with maximum returns.

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    FETRI Consulting